Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2024 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2024
Beverly Hills, CA

C. Ellis Brazeal III

Jones Walker


Ellis has more than 30 years of experience in commercial litigation including construction, surety, government contract, and aerospace litigation. He has an undergraduate aerospace engineering degree along with a Masters of Engineering degree, which gives him a unique ability to discuss design, manufacturing, and performance issues that arise in aerospace litigation. Ellis also handles restructuring cases and related litigation, which allows him to assist companies who face economic uncertainty due to market conditions or unprofitable contracts. He is recognized for his work by legal publications, and he regularly lectures on contract litigation, and legal and engineering ethics. Ellis serves as an adjunct professor at The University of Alabama, where he teaches a course in Space Law, along with a Senior Seminar course, in the College of Engineering. He also teaches Space Law at The University of Alabama Law School. In addition to focusing on various international treaties and US statutes and regulations, the Space Law course also deals with government and aerospace contracting.

He recently spoke to the Marshall Space Flight Center Small Business Executive Leadership Team, which is a group of executives for companies who contract directly with Marshall. He has relationships at NASA Marshall, JPL, and NASA Johnson. He also speaks regularly at AIAA-Scitech, the world’s largest aerospace conference.

Ellis is a member of the ABA Forum on Aviation and Space Law and serves on the planning committee for various conferences. 


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